1Ticket can download all of your active TicketMaster Purchases, allowing you to search, filter and export based on the parameters you specify. You can search by event, refund status, purchasing account, CC last 4 and more. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Create an account for Free if you are not currently a 1Ticket client
  2. Add your TicketMaster login credentials to the Logins tab
  3. Once all of your accounts are added, refresh the Logins page and click the Check All TicketMaster Accounts button and confirm 
  4. Allow the Accounts to crawl for at least 10 minutes then navigate to the Purchases Tabof your account to:

Note: Account crawls may take a bit longer than usual as 1Ticket continues to re-crawl all purchases to obtain updated refund and other status'.

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