A report containing all of your Ticketmaster accounts - and the status of each - is available in our new interface.

  1. Visit 1ticket.com/new and log in
  2. On the left vertical menu click the "Reports" icon
  3. Click the "Ticketmaster Accounts" report

This report provides a list of all of your Ticketmaster accounts, along with some additional helpful data:

  • Status: The current status of the account (locked, incorrect password, etc)
  • Purch/Past 7 Days: The number of purchases made on the account in the past seven days
  • Purch/Past 21 Days: The number of purchases made on the account in the past 21 days
  • Purch/Past 35 Days: The number of purchases made on the account in the past 35 days
  • Purch/Future Events: The number of purchases on the account for future events (this includes events from 3/13/2020 forward to account for events that have not yet been postponed or cancelled)

Clicking the "download" icon on the top left of the report (see screenshot below) will provide you with a CSV that you can open in your spreadsheet program of choice.

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