Thank you for your interest in 1Ticket Managed Delivery. Not sure what 1TMD is? Learn more about 1TMD here.

Curious about which tickets can be delivered via 1TMD? How to tell which tickets are eligible for 1TMD.

1TMD is not an officially sanctioned delivery method from the primary. As with any service that the primary doesn't officially approve of there is always the possibility that it breaks at some point in the future. If you have any questions or concerns at all please ask us before enabling. 

Step #1: Automatic Transfers must be turned on. Skip to step #2 if you are already using 1Ticket for automatic transfers.

To use 1TMD you must first be using 1Ticket for automatic transfers. Click here to turn on automatic transfers if you aren't already using that service with 1Ticket. Please note that by turning on automatic transfers 1Ticket will attempt to transfer to fill any sales received from the point of activation forward.

Step #2: Turn on 1Ticket Managed Delivery

1Ticket Managed Delivery is a brand new service. We recommend starting small with just certain ticket groups. Click here to turn on 1Ticket Managed Delivery.

Step #3: Set your POS notes

We STRONGLY recommend using the first setting presented on that page - "Use POS listing notes". When selected, 1Ticket will ONLY use 1TMD when the notes in your POS indicate that we should. Here is a list of the specific notes/tags supported.