Occasionally StubHub will sell tickets for an incorrect price. This usually results from latency in StubHub's system in updating a listing after 1Ticket pushes up a price change.

If you receive a sale for tickets at the wrong price you can contest it. SubHub has asked that sellers follow this workflow:

  1. Log into your StubHub Inventory Manager at https://inv.stubhub.com/.

  2. Click on "Sales".

  3. Locate the sale that was mapped incorrectly.

  4. Click the magnifying glass on the sale.

  5. Click the "Report Event Issue" button on the modal that pops up.

  6. Fill in the details of the mapping issue.

  7. Upload a screenshot from your POS showing the price the tickets were listed at at the time of sale. In SkyBox a screenshot of the pricing audit history will suffice.

  8. Submit the request